The Midwest Metal Scene

Ed Bonach

Black Flood Diesel
Allies in Chaos
Smilin Liar
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Method Of Expression:

After going through numerous other instruments I picked up my grandma's guitar one day and started playing. It stuck because it is one of the easiest instruments to play a wide variety of music on. It became a passion for me, a method of expression, a way to expose myself that I was comfortable with. Music is my drug, my life.

Love, Hate, Family, Indian Philosophy, East Asian Art and Music, and anything heavy.

3 bands everyone should know:
Mindless Self Indulgence, Howie Day and Ravi Shankar.

Favorite Superhero:
Superheroes are for kids.

Biggest fear:
Being recognized as something that I'm not, and being judged by peoples misconceptions.

Something to do before I die:
Spit in the faces of all the people who never took me seriously, and hug those that did.

What I hate about how music has evolved:
The dependency on what the radio wants and the belief that people only want to hear what is popular. There's too much bullshit, everyone is too concerned with money, record sales etc. Do what you want and people will realize it and appreciate it, that's all that counts.

What band would I like to see return:
None, if a band is gone, its for a reason. As for the bands that came to an end before their time, in most cases it made them great, leave it alone, everything happens for a reason.

Favorite Movie Director:
Alfred Hitchcock

Best concert ever attended:
Any show where SMILIN LIAR fans are present.

If I could tell everyone in the whole world one thing, what would it be?
Out of all of the things I could say, one of them would be to tell everyone to look past their material possessions and really think about what they have, the whole world has evolved into a society that relies on how much money you make, and things you can add up on paper, what do you have without all of them? It makes me sick, think about it and make a change.

