The Midwest Metal Scene

Allies in Chaos

Black Flood Diesel
Allies in Chaos
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Allies in Chaos consists of:
-Jacob Champlin- lyricist/vocals
-Logan Cheney- guitarist/vocals
-Zak Roth- bassist/vocals
-Adam Kiesling- drums
 St. Cloud-based Allies in Chaos have emerged with a positive and original sound that blends intricate guitar parts, leading bass lines, and emotional vocal breakdowns blended with powerfully technical drumming.  Combining pensive lyrics and a zealous delivery, Allies in Chaos stir the crowd wildly with a balance of emotion and power.   AIC often times leaves the crowd with a lasting impression and asking for more.
          All originally from the small town of Annandale, Minnesota, the four friends
collaborated for several years playing at high school talent shows
and local events before introducing themselves into the St. Cloud and Minneapolis music scene in late 2001.  Some Groups that have influenced the sound of AIC include, Incubus, Deftones,
Taproot, and The Used.  
          With the release of their first studio album they proceeded to rise in popularity
and create a substantial and loyal following.  After playin
g such venues as the Quest
Club and Medina Ball Room, and selling upwards of 500 copies of their self released cd, they have continued to gain the support of many fans in the Minnesota area and pick up momentum.
          With a dedicated and serious attitude, the members of Allies in Chaos are
continually looking to broaden their fan base and play as many sho
ws as possible until they explode.  With a lot of new material already written a new cd is in the works set
to be recorded sometime in late 2004